3 things to avoid when posting on social media

3 things to avoid when posting on social media

To keep your social media game strong, there are certain things to avoid. Consider the following:

Making it personal
The business social media platforms should be reserved for posts reflecting the business. While there is a place for posting non-compliant, funny or lighthearted content, there shouldn’t be a place for posting personal views, particularly those that could alienate your business from customers such as political statements. In fact, as a business owner, you should also make sure you have privacy settings in play on your personal accounts so that you can distance yourself from the business pages.

Not editing
There’s nothing more unprofessional than posting content littered with spelling mistakes, punctuation, and grammatical errors. It looks messy and shows you don’t take time to perfect the work you do and the image you are presenting. Read over it and run it through a grammar service such as Grammarly before posting.

Posting identical content on all platforms
Different social media platforms should showcase different business content. If followers are receiving the same, repetitive content across all business pages, they are likely to unfollow or scroll past your content.

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