Benefits of competitor website analysis

Benefits of competitor website analysis

Gaining an edge on your business rivals is vital to your commercial success. When you conduct competitor analysis do not forget to include their websites in this assessment otherwise you will miss out on a range of benefits.

Here are some reasons, why competitor website analysis should be on your to-do list.

Improve your online web strategy
By researching your competitor’s websites, you can get new ideas and avoid making the same mistakes as your rivals. Conduct some research on your direct and indirect competitors so you can assess the effectiveness of their marketing, website layout and social media strategy.

Get to know your customer base
Websites are often a place for customers to give reviews, make complaints or provide testimonials for businesses. You should view this as a direct channel to the needs and wants of your clientele. Analysis of the complaints and praise your competitors have earned can give you an insight into what your customer base values.

Increase your searchability
You may find that your competitors are using different SEO keywords that result in them beating you out on search engine recommendations. Keep this in mind when looking at their websites so you can make your business more accessible to potential customers.

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