Improving email open and click rates

Improving email open and click rates

Open and click rates provide firms with key information about their email marketing campaigns. Open rates show how many email campaigns were opened by clients, and click rates show how many of these campaigns registered at least one click. These rates are an excellent indication of whether a firm’s email marketing efforts are effective, for they show the level of client engagement with emails.

Firms who are want to improve their email open and click rates should consider the following aspects:

Focus on the subject line
A well-written subject line is the best way to ensure your email’s message gets across to the client. Personalising the subject line or including as much relevant information as possible in the subject line will boost email open rates.

Timing is key
Sending out your emails at an inappropriate time can negatively impact on open rates. The majority of email marketers say that midweek emails (Tuesday – Thursday) have the best open rates.

Content quality
One of the best ways to improve email open and click rates is to send interesting emails that are relevant and spark an interest in clients. When clients know that there is something valuable on the other side of the subject line, a firm’s open rates will continue to increase.

Consistent branding
Consistency in emails encourages clients to open them up. Email campaigns that have a consistent look and tone become familiar to clients, prompting them to open the email. Consistent branding along with quality content help establish trusting relationships with clients.

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