Leading your team through tough times

Leading your team through tough times

Navigating your team through difficult times can be a challenge. When things continuously go wrong, and their motivation is at an all-time low, you will need to use your best leadership skills to guide them through.

Consider these three tips on how to motivate your staff when a crisis hits your business.

Establish trust
Be upfront and explain the situation to your employees. It provides clear communication and ensures everyone is on the same page. In a small business, it is better if they hear from you what is going on, rather than through rumours circulating the office.

Remain confident and inspire
Present a calm and confident perspective. Your team must trust you can lead them through this tough time. When you talk about the situation, do it in a positive manner. Explain how this event will positively affect and grow the business, and the plan of action to take.

Encourage team collaboration
Encouraging your team to work collaboratively on a challenge helps them to stay connected to the situation at hand rather than searching for new employment. Sit down with them and listen to their suggestions. It will make your team members feel like a valued part of the solution process.

Once you and your team have overcome this challenging time, it may be wise to reflect on any mistakes that occurred before and during the crisis so that you may be better prepared for the future.

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