Optimising your website’s pages

Optimising your website’s pages

Even though there are pages on business websites that are visited more often than others, very few businesses focus on optimising the content of those pages to improve their conversions.

To optimise pages for online users, businesses must:

  • Work out what their most visited pages are
  • Figure out why users are there
  • Provide users with the information they want and;
  • Ask for an action in return.

Commonly, the three most visited pages on a business’s website are the Home page, About Us page and Contact Us page. To understand why users are there and what they are looking for, businesses need to know where they came from. They may have been directed there by an email newsletter, social media update or search query. If online users used a search engine to find the page, it is important to know what query they used.

Once businesses have established the above, they need to provide users with the information they are after. Since single pages can only deliver a limited amount of information, it is important for businesses to determine exactly what that information should be.

Businesses should also include a call-to-action (CTA) on each page. Many web pages fall short because they do not include a CTA, and therefore provide no way for online users to take any kind of action. Including a CTA on each web page is how businesses can achieve the goal of making online users do what they want.

To optimise a website’s most popular pages, businesses should consider doing the following:

Home Page

  • Use a big headline
  • Place the most important information front and centre
  • Make your home page CTA large and easy to click (online users often use the home page as a way of finding where to go on the site).

About Us Page

  • Provide the most relevant information above the fold (this is the section of a page that is visible in a browser window when the page first loads).
  • Include at least one CTA to engage viewers further.

Contact Us Page

  • Put the information online users are looking for (an email address, phone number, contact form, map, address etc.) above the fold.
  • Use CTAs that are obvious and allow the user to contact you easily. Examples include ‘Email us now’ or ‘Click here to chat’.

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