Protecting your business with social media security

Protecting your business with social media security

With the amount of information that is being shared online increasing more than ever, now is the time to think about social media security for your business.

While there is no doubt that social media can benefit businesses by creating a more engaged and connected world, it can also pose a threat by allowing cybercriminals and online hackers to access business and personal information. Common social media security risks include:

  • Unattended social media accounts.
  • Human error and the possibility for employers to expose the company to online threats.
  • Third-party apps that hackers can gain access to.
  • Phishing attacks and scams that trick people into handing over personal information.
  • Malware attacks and hacks gaining access to social media accounts.

Social media policy:
Creating strong governance practices are essential to managing potential social media security risks. A strong social media policy should outline how your business and employees use social media. This will not only protect you from security threats but also from potential legal and HR trouble.

Train your staff:
Human error is one of the most common social media security threats. Regular social media training will keep employees aware of the policy in place and ensure they adhere to all guidelines. Training can help to avoid errors such as accidental tweets, unknowing clicks on phishing links, and other potential threats.

Invest in secure technology:
One of the most effective ways to protect your business online is by investing in secure technology that can guard against unauthorised access. You may choose to install software on your business computers and devices that can monitor your social media channels 24 hours a day and can automatically alert you of any security risks. Choose security software that includes anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-spam filters for optimal results.

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