Social media no-no’s for small business

Social media no-no’s for small business

Not having a presence on social media can be detrimental to small businesses, but having a presence that is poorly managed is even worse.

Businesses can quickly lose a lot of support through mishandling their social media profiles. Customers and potential customers can be brutally honest and if they do not perceive your business well, social media can become a potential minefield.

Avoid the following social media no-no’s to ensure your business maintains a positive social media presence:

Spamming or posting irrelevant content
Ask yourself the ‘who cares’ question. Who really cares about this post? Is it relevant? Is it going to raise awareness, generate useful discussion, gain followers or influence sales? If not, do not waste time or money, or risk your business’ reputation posting it.

Auto posting during times of crisis
During times of crisis posting unrelated content (i.e. promotions) can aggravate the situation and not to mention can appear insensitive. Be mindful of your business’ image during a crisis; stick to responding to feedback and addressing the issues at hand.

Disregarding intellectual property laws
Be wary of the intellectual property laws that exist, especially those concerning content. Social media should be treated in the same regard as traditional media, as the same laws apply. Although re-posting user generated content from customers and fans is great; be sure to seek permission from the owner first before republishing. Also, remember to attribute the content to the original owner. If you are unsure about any of the laws that apply, seek clarification from a professional to avoid any nasty legal disputes.

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