What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

The name of your business can have a quite an impact when it comes to marketing your brand, how you are perceived by customers and whether or not you stand out from the competition.

Strong business names send a clear message to the public to help customers identify with the business. They also make a business stand out from the competition.

When choosing a new business name or tweaking an old one, business owners should try and choose a short and punchy name that is easy to remember. Consider the success of brands like Nike, Apple and Twitter – companies with names that are catchy and are only made up of two or three syllables.

Owners should also stick with the traditional way of spelling as well. While it is great to think ‘outside the box’ when thinking of a name, try to avoid being too quirky by spelling your business name incorrectly. This can often confuse and even deter customers, especially if they are searching for your business online.

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