5 Simple Ways To Boost SEO On Your Website

5 Simple Ways To Boost SEO On Your Website

Search engine optimisation (or SEO) may sound like a technologically jargon-heavy mouthful, particularly to the people who are without the know-how or understanding.

However, making your website SEO-friendly can be a simple but effective way in increasing your outreach, as well as providing your audience with a positive user experience.

Here are a few changes and adjustments that can be made to your website to help improve your SEO.

Feature Relevant Key Words

You will want to include keywords in all areas of your website that will feel natural to your audience. Feature them in the page names, headlines, site copy, image captions, page descriptions and URLs, to make it easier for search engines to direct your site visitors. Since people search with specific needs in mind, your keywords will need to be descriptive and narrowly focused. This may bring in less traffic overall, but should result in a higher conversion rate (clickthroughs to purchases).

Have A Clean Site Structure

If your website is organised in a way that makes it easy for users and search engines to travel through your site and find what they are looking for, you will reap the benefits. Internal links from one page to another within your website will assist in educating your visitors, answer questions about what you offer or engage them in some other valuable way. They’ll also help Google with more clues about what your website is about so that it can send you relevant visitors.

Feature Substantial Content

Create for your website content that is relevant to your top keywords, but hefty enough to be valuable. Google wants content that solves the intent of the search, so pages with fewer than 200 words will not be highly ranked. Content on a page should either solve a problem, answer a question or move a visitor forward in their journey through your site.

Use Relevant Title Tags

Title tag or page tag is the headline of a page when it appears in search engine results pages. They should be specific and descriptive and include a meta description (a longer blurb in search results that says more about what your content provides). Title tags also appear in your visitor’s web browser tabs and in social media when your content is shared.

Add Alt Tags

Alt tags are a short text description of an image and serve 3 important purposes on your website.

  1. Alt tags help search engines interpret images by identifying and ranking these pieces of content.
  2. Alt tags help website visitors when an image doesn’t display properly on their screen or load quickly by providing a clue about what the image should look like.
  3. Alt tags are easy for screen readers to decipher, which helps with web accessibility.

Improving the SEO of your website can be as simple as evaluating these features of your website, and adding on to it. There are plenty more ways that SEO can be implemented and improved upon – speak with a professional to find out how your website can benefit.

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