Promoting your business’s blog content

Promoting your business’s blog content

There are multiple benefits that come with maintaining a blog for your business.

Maintaining a blog drives customers to your website, thus creating greater opportunities for business growth. However, all the resources that go into developing great blog content may be all in vain if you do not promote this content efficiently.

Consider the following promotional tips:

Mix it up
You have content or a message you want to share; perhaps it’s easiest to do this in a couple of sentences or paragraphs. Reflect on how you could share this message in a more attractive, creative manner. The internet is flooding with blogs; you are going to need to stand out. Make an infographic, create a video tutorial instead of writing a procedure, use a photo essay with short captions. Browsers may stumble across your blog accidentally if the content is engaging and inviting, you could very well convert them into a customer.

Snippets or previews
Instead of creating blog content and sharing it straight away, build up some suspense. If you create and share, it is very easy for customers and subscribers to miss your content. Rather, you should prepare customers and subscribers for the content that is to come and build anticipation.

When business is busy, keeping up with regular blogging can easily be pushed to the end of the to-do list. An effective strategy is to schedule an hour or two (or other suitable amount of time based on your business) to create all your blog content in one sitting. Then you can use an automation program to schedule these posts to be published intermittently throughout the week.

Ask your subscribers
The best way to attract customers and subscribers to your blog is to produce content they want to read, and that interests them. A simple way to do this is through creating a poll on Facebook, for instance, asking them to vote on the content topic they most want to read about.

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