SMSFs: Stats

SMSFs: Stats

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has released its June 2017 quarterly SMSF statistical report detailing key SMSF figures.

As of June 2017, the number of SMSFs increased to 596,516. The number of SMSF members in Australia is 1,124,453.

The estimated value of total Australian and overseas SMSF assets is $696.7 billion.

The number of annual wind-ups including both those initiated by trustees and those as a result of ATO compliance and cleansing activity was 1,419 as of June 2017. This is a significant decrease from 10,551 in June 2016.

The top five asset types held by SMSFs by value include listed shares (30 per cent or $212,210m), cash and term deposits (23 per cent or $159,686m), non-residential real property (11 per cent or $74,772m), unlisted trusts (10 per cent or $71,455m) and other managed investments (5 per cent or $37,695m).

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