Superannuation, Divorce, & Your Options

Superannuation, Divorce, & Your Options

A relationship breakdown can be a messy, frustrating time fraught with plenty of paperwork. Did you know that your or your partner’s super could be affected?

If you were to split up with your current partner, you may be able to file a legal claim for up to half your superannuation (under certain circumstances).

In all states (bar Western Australia), you don’t need to be married, have kids or even own a house together for your super to be split in a relationship breakdown. The superannuation of both partners is included in the pool of assets to be divided upon the separation.

According to the Federal Attorney General’s website, superannuation can be split either by:

  • an order of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (or Family Court of Western Australia for married couples in Western Australia); or
  • a superannuation agreement (a financial agreement that deals with a superannuation interest).

The Family Law Act 1975 gives the Family Court the power to deal with the superannuation interests of spouses (including de facto spouses). Superannuation cannot be taken as a cash payment and is usually rolled over to the recipient’s own superannuation account.

These laws were designed to tackle the longstanding issue where one person in a relationship – usually a woman – would have a tiny amount of super relative to her partner.

You don’t have to be married to split your assets potentially.

It applies if you have a child together or have been in a de facto relationship for at least two years. The definition of a de facto relationship under section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1975 is based on whether you were living together in a genuine domestic relationship.

Remember that any split isn’t necessarily half-half.

You can enter into an agreement without going to court, but if you do end up in court, the judge will consider the relevant circumstances, including whether you have kids, direct and indirect financial contributions to the relationship, and the ongoing needs of each party.

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