Taking initiative in the workplace

Taking initiative in the workplace

Initiative is a desirable trait in employees. Showing initiative demonstrates a willingness to innovate, develop and improve. It shows you’re a self-starter and have no problem with taking action.

Here are a few ways to take initiative in the workplace:

Look for opportunities
Have you spotted a business opportunity that has not been recognised by senior leaders? Act upon it. Suggest ways of improving business processes, products, services or even customer experience to your manager. Be on the lookout constantly for new ways of improving business, reducing unnecessary costs, opportunities for growth and better systems and processes.

Be outstanding
Do more than what is required of you. If a task is not technically listed under your job description but is a great opportunity to learn and grow, then it would be wise to do it anyway. Not only does this increase your skill set but it can improve your confidence and self-worth and prove you are dedicated to the business.

Take action
Initiative goes hand-in-hand with action. Showing initiative means you are able to think on your feet and do not need to wait around to be told what to do. Examples of taking initiative may include helping a colleague, starting on a project well in advance, making suggestions to improve a way of doing something and so forth. In the same stance, promptly dealing with problems is another way to display initiative. When you encounter a difficulty or problem, seek help or conduct more research into how you can address the problem in the best way possible.

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