Using meta descriptions to generate business

Using meta descriptions to generate business

With many potential customers using Google search to find businesses to meet their needs, having an influential meta description can be a powerful tool.

A meta description is the content that appears on a Google search page under the name of each website. There is no defined character count as the content that is displayed will vary depending on the device that is being used.

Generally, the meta description will be roughly between 140 – 180 characters. If you have not selected content for your meta description, Google will do it for you; searching your website for keywords that are relevant to the content typed in the Google search.

Consider the following strategies when developing your website’s meta descriptions to boost SEO and strengthen potential business prospects:

Ensure your meta description is unique compared to other businesses that offer similar services. Audiences will do a quick scan of the top results and if your description is similar to other websites, you are lowering your chances of being clicked. Make it stand out from your competitors.

Call to action
Using an active voice or giving the audience a call to action increases the chances of your website being viewed. Direct your audience to click on your website by telling them to try a free trial or compare prices on your services or products.

Including keywords is extremely important. When users do a Google search, the more keywords that match increase the likelihood of your website appearing higher in the search results. Be mindful not to overload it with keywords though as this can come across as unprofessional.

If your meta description is too short, the audience will not be able to gather enough information to make them want to click on your website. If your meta description is too long, you probably are not being succinct enough with word count. A good meta description should have approximately 140-160 characters.

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